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You’ll Never Know, Dear | The Meaning Behind the Design

“You’ll Never Know, Dear” is a line from the famous song, “You are my Sunshine”.  My mom would sing it to me as a little girl all the time.  I had never really thought about the lyrics before adulthood.  However, now I find them relevant in so many situations.  I talked about  one meaning this song has  for me in my post, The 72 Hour Wait | An Adoptive Parent Prospective.  However, in that post, the lyric that had the most effect on my was, “Please Don’t Take my Sunshine Away”.

However, “You’ll Never Know, Dear” is the lyric in the song that has had the most meanings throughout my life.  Whenever I am going through a struggle in life that another person wouldn’t fully understand, this line comes to mind…

Failing to conceive for YEARS…

You’ll Never Know, Dear…

Going through infertility testing…

You’ll Never Know, Dear…

Going through four unsuccessful rounds of IUI…

You’ll Never Know, Dear…

Going through two unsuccessful rounds of IVF…

You’ll Never Know, Dear…

Going through the adoption process…twice…

You’ll Never Know, Dear…

And today I use this line (for it’s original meaning) every night when I kiss my sleeping daughters’ heads knowing that they will never fully comprehend the amount of love that I have for them…

I started Struggle Shuttle to encourage the normalization of vulnerably.  Throughout the blog I share my personal struggles with infertility, adoption, and parenthood.  I chose this line to represent my brand because of it’s versatility to encompass any struggle in life one may be going through.  I opened my store, Shop the Struggle, with merchandise representing Struggle Shuttle as well as this phrase in an effort to normalize vulnerability.  So now you can literally wear your vulnerabilities on your sleeve and START STRUGGLING IN STYLE! 




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