• rewind

    Please Rewind, Be Kind

    How many times do you lie awake at night because you are replaying the events of the day in your head?  Are you wishing that you would have done something differently?  Said something differently?  Are you wishing that there was a rewind button that you could press to go back and change your reaction to something?  Maybe you were rude or short with someone because they were inconveniencing your day.  Was it a server at a restaurant, a co-worker, a customer, your spouse? Maybe you “flipped the bird” to a car that was driving too slowly when you were late for an appointment.  It could be that you mumbled indecencies…

  • woman putting on lipstick

    Be Boujie on a Budget

    I want to look boujie but I am on a budget! Most of the beauty products out there are so expensive! Here are my top tips to obtain boujie beauty on a budget!

  • Focus

    I Identify as I

    Vulnerability is scary. And it takes incredible strength. It's the act of exposing ourselves to possibility of getting hurt or emotionally attacked. However, if one can face their fears and display their imperfections for the world to see then the world has the opportunity to listen and to learn and to grow in knowledge and in compassion.

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